Altra Furniture
108 Gaither Drive
Mount Laurel, NJ, 08054
Ph: 856/914-1444
Fax: 856/914-0444

Altra Furniture has been producing furniture for over 10 years. The company specializes in home office and entertainment. Altra Furniture is a subsidiary of Carina/SystemBuild, a manufacturer of ready-to-assemble furniture specializing in storage, bath, and closet organizing furniture. They can be found at
Altra Furniture products are sold throughout the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and South America.

Altra claims an ecological commitment:
“Altra follows strict environmental policies in the creation of its furniture. Every process, from material sourcing to product delivery is evaluated in order to minimize environmental impact. Our choice of materials reflects a philosophy of offering great value, and quality construction, while wasting little, and recycling as much as possible.”

“Altra usually chooses pine as its solid wood choice. This is because it is a very fast growing wood, and is abundant. Most of the trees harvested for our furniture come from farms owned by our source factories. These farms plant more than they harvest annually, resulting in a renewable supply of source wood.”

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